Wia yäka iskfia
fujka whg ir, fm!¾Yhla we;@ Tõkag wkqkaf. wjodkh wjYh fõ@ l=uLß isÿjq úg Tõkag t ms,snvj ilÉpd lsßug wjYh fõ@ tfukau Tjqkag fjkia úug wjYh fõ@
isñka iskfik wh
ksy;udks fõ@ kuq;a Wviskhs@ fliafj;;a Tjqkag fydo ksßlaYk yelsjla iyd úYaf,Yk yelshjla we;@ tfukau Tõkag fydv wd;au wìukhla we;@
w;amqä .iñka iskfik wh
by, wOhdñl .=khla we;@ kuq;a Tõka wka whg ;uka igqfgka isák nj fmkaúug W;aiy lrhs@ fndfyd l;d lsßug leu;sh@ wka wh u; rod mj;s@
w;ska lg jika iskdfik wh
b;d m%fjiï iy.; fukau ,ÊcdYs,s fõ@ Tõkaf. iene iajremh fmkaúug wlu;sh@ iq¾kao¾hg lghq;= j,g b;d ,eÈh@
uo jYfhka iskdfik wh
Tõka b;d iaõhafYYsh@ tfukau b;d lmáh@fmdä fohla Wjo b;d nrm;, f,i is;hs@ wka whj f;reï .eksug ìh fõ@
1. Loud
People who laugh loudly have a straightforward personality. They want people to notice them. If there's something going on, they want it to be discussed with them. They want to be in charge and let people know his outspoken personality.
People who laugh without making any sound are humble, indecisive and passive. But they have good observation and analytical ability. Actually these people have high self esteem.
People who clap while laughing have high spirit of service. Another point is they want to let other people know that " they is really funny". They love to chat. they likely agree with other people opinion or command. There also depend on others.
4.Cover mouth with hand
People who cover their mouth when laughing are shy than extremely careful with the words they speak. they are afraid other people know their true self, for they have split personality. they are highly concerned about aesthetics.
People who laugh breathy are easily nervous. Generally speaking they may appear as talkative, quite unique and opinionated, but actually they are afraid to be disliked by other people. they are also very serious.